Set Goals Based on What’s Important in Your Life
Don’t let life just happen. Ask yourself, what are my life dreams? Then set goals to make them a reality. Goals provide focus and direction to ensure you’ll live a life based on what’s important to you.
Set Exciting Goals that Create Passion
Imagine how difficult it would be to be passionate about a goal such as “increase sales by 10 percent”. Is this goal exciting to you? Probably not, so let’s try rewriting the goal. First, think about what inspires you and incorporate it into your goal setting process. If spending time with your wife is important and you like to travel here’s an example of how you might rewrite the goal: “Increase sales by 10 percent to earn a bonus of $5,000 which will enable me to take a dream trip to Australia with my wife by March 1st”. Now that’s exciting!
Set Aside Time for Goal Setting and Planning
Set aside time each day to review your goals and write down tasks to help you achieve them. Early in the morning is an excellent time, when it’s quiet before work day distractions. Devote time to reading positive, uplifting messages including; books on sales skills, positive thinking and other material geared toward self-improvement. Then review your goals and write down what needs to be accomplished for the day. Do this every morning to start your day with the right attitude and moving in the right direction.
Set Specific Goals with a Deadline
Be accountable for your objectives and set specific dates when they’ll be reached. For larger goals, break them down into smaller tasks with target dates leading up to your end goal. For example, a daily goal of making five sales calls, or 20 phone calls, may be less overwhelming than selling $1 million.
Review Your Goals When Planning
Keep your list of goals close by and refer to them often. Top salespeople incorporate tasks into their daily plans that help them reach their objectives.
Prioritize Your Tasks
To be effective in selling, focus on activities with a high return on investment to get a clear idea of what needs to be done on a daily basis.
During you planning session, write down all the tasks you’d like to accomplish. Next, review each task and decide which is the most important. Repeat the process and list your six or seven most important tasks in order of their importance. Work on your highest priority tasks first and do it on a consistent basis.
Try following these six rules of goal setting and planning. Set aside time each day to think about how you want to live your life and go to work setting your goals. Figure out a plan and work it. When you do, you’ll soon find yourself in the top echelon of salespeople everywhere.
John Sligh is a Salesman and Founder of - a blog about everything related to selling for salespeople everywhere. For free tips on sales, self-improvement and motivation visit John today at
Twitter: @GoSellGo
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