
Interview with John Sligh, from GoSellGo (www.gosellgo.com)

About GoSellGo:

1) In a short sentence, who should visit GoSellGo?

GoSellGo.com is dedicated to salespeople everywhere interested in improving and learning more about sales.

2) On the other hand, who shouldn't?

Everyone is engaged in some form of selling and potentially has an interest in the website.  However, the content is geared toward salespeople from the perspective of a salesman.  Doctors and lawyers may not find the content well suited to their needs.  As long as the content is interesting to you by all means visit early and often.

3) What have you learned after all your experience with GoSellGo? What is the biggest lesson?

There are a lot of websites dedicated to the field of selling.  I'm approaching it from the perspective of someone who is in the trenches selling for a living.  Every time I research to write an article for the website I learn something new.  The biggest lesson from my experience with GoSellGo is that learning and improving is an ongoing process.  You never have all the answers and I learn from others every day.

4) What sales books do you like and recommend?

GoSellGo has a book store with hundreds of books on sales, entrepreneurship and self-improvement.  Three books that I've read recently and would recommend are:

The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness   The Compound Effect

About you:

5) How did you get started in sales?

When I interviewed for my first job as a busboy I had to sell the manager on hiring me.  When he said yes "you're hired" and closed the sale my selling career began.  Since then I've sold everything from vinyl floor covering to grandfather clocks and now furniture as a manufacturer's representative. 

6) What was your toughest sales ever? 

Selling a furniture chain with 12 stores.  It took three years to get in with one of my product lines and was well worth the effort.

7) Most memorable sale? Was it because of the money, the adrenaline, the recognition, the power?

Asking my wife to marry me and having her say yes.  Looking back after 29 years of marriage I'd have to say that was the most memorable and meaningful sale.

About your knowledge:

8) What is the biggest mistake you see as a sales expert?

The biggest mistake is for salespeople to stop learning.  There are so many helpful resources, including your website, to help salespeople improve that it's a mistake not to take advantage of all the books, audio programs and blogs about sales and self-improvement.

9) What are you working on right now that makes you feel energized? What's your next big project?

GoSellGo.com is an ongoing project and one that keeps me energized.  I'm always trying to improve the site and offer content that is helpful to salespeople everywhere from my own perspective. Eventually I'd like to have other people contribute content to the site.

10) What is the best testimonial/comment you (or your site) have ever received? Or the one that touched you the most?

One of the best compliments was to have you ask me to be interviewed for your website SalesGiantsBlog.  All of us that are in the sales blog business are in this thing together.  The more we can help each other the better off we'll all be.  Thanks for the opportunity.  It's been an honor. (Editor's note: Thanks! :-)

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